Sunday, 18 April 2010

Fort Bill - Witches Trails

good days riding at Fort William Nevis Range on Saturday at the Witches Trails.
First ride of the day was a pore-race practice on the 10 Under the Ben course. Good and fast at some sections but for most part seemed like a blue run.
After a short break and a biscuit we tried the World Champs XC course. Steep steep steep uphill followed by a fantastic singltrack run all the way to the car park!

Thursday, 15 April 2010


Out riding at Craufurdland trails yesterday and there is a few new bits of singletrck and its all running dry and great just now.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Took a trip to Glentress. Warm day but still snow at the top. Got a puncture and Chris nearly had a spectacular crash!

Whitelee 40 miler

Did a 40 mile loop from Darvel to the back of Whitelees windfarm then on down the A77 into Kilmarnock and back to Darvel. Great weather

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Firetower Trails

Went to the Firetower Trail near Lochgilphead in Argyll and Bute. I was a bit dissapointed with it it. Biggest section was actually closed for forestry work and the rest was pretty average. The North Shore was quite good but not enought to make me get back on the bike for a second lap.