Saturday, 28 December 2013

Antibiotics, Going Psychotic

I had planned to cycle through the winter weather of Christmas and managed a couple of short runs with some KOM's on STRAVA, but alas my bad luck injury/illness streak has continued and I am back on antibiotics for a heavy respiratory infection.
So annoyed. I can only hope the new year brings some new luck on the health front and I can curb my current cabin fever. Doesn't help the neighbours are all cyclists and I see them cycling past every time the sun comes out. Anyway here is a summary of my two rides before the cold set in!

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Unfit for purpose....

I went for a 20 mile run yesterday. I felt so unfit. Injury and illness are taking their toll so while I puffed around like an old man I was glad I went out. Got the bike set up for winter with my new extension on the bars for lights and the mudguards. I also tested my £15 winter cycling jacket from Aldi's which is perfect. Make's a bit of a mockery of Rapha charging £175 for winter jersey's.
Anyway here's the route and the cross bike set up for winter roads.