Monday 21 April 2014


Tested myself a bit today with my longest ride of the year. Wanted to make sure I can get the sportive distances in before the Etape in a few weeks. The wind was either a massive help today or a complete hindrance but the tails were enjoyable. Pretty much toured all 3 Ayrshire's in one run with a corner of South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire chucked in for good measure.
Pleased with the distance into trying headwinds and also pleased to complete a 130km challenge on Strava with 3 new top 10's.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Quick Spin

Quick spin to Strathaven and found a new wee road to add on, on good days like today. Here's the ride and some pics!

Friday 18 April 2014

1000 miles so far

Thats me through the 1000 mile marker for 2014. Beautiful day to do it in Ayrshire today. Enjoyed every mile!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Windy Stuff

Very windy again but its good to get the knees and knuckles on show in the sunshine.

 I went the Sorn route in reverse from my last outing plus a wee detour into Caterine for a shot at Chapel Brae. It was worth it as I moved up to 4th on that strava segment!

New wheels are running great but can't wait to see if the bike fit session in a couple of weeks will sort some comfort issues.

Monday 14 April 2014

All Serviced

The Giant TCR has it's new Mavic Ksyriums fitted, new bar tape and all the cabling redone. It's obviously riding well as this was the first real ride the new wheels got and I got 30 odd PR's on STRAVA on my run.
I am a bit behind in the fitness and leg miles stakes than I was at this time last year. Hoping to build the miles up over the next few weeks in preparation for the Etape in May.